A Note From Pastor Janna

These are trying times; many concerns can become an assault of fear against our faith, yet we have the greater force of God who is with us, for us and the Lord who is in us. He has not, nor will He ever forsake us. He hears and answers prayer in the Holy Name of Jesus.

Therefore, let us pray in Jesus name, for each other and the world that God still so loves, for it is needed now possibly more than ever before in our lifetime.

Much can be reset that is getting upset right now. Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

Let us purpose to pray, united in love and faith in Him, for each other and for all our neighbors near and far. May the oil of unity in our Lord Jesus Christ be…..being poured out through us now, and after having done all we can to stand, let us stand firm in faith against what has come against us all, in Jesus name.

In His great love, I stand with you and for you, depending on the Lord, the Navigator, for His navigation of us through this time. The Lord be magnified, Pastor Janna.