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The Word of the Lord to and through
Rev. Janna Hogan 7.13.2002
“I would have you go to My Word concerning My perspective…then…go to My people and tell them how I…see things…so that…they can choose to see by the new perspective
My body needs to see…
Sight at this time…is essential for the flight that they must prepare for
Go to My Word…read it…share it…preach …My preacher…do not look to anyone or anything…not now…not ever…look to Me…saith the Lord
I am more than you have understood…come closer for the day of spiritual sight will be the only light that will be left in the hour that is ahead of you…
I am He that is faithful to show those who come to Me the way that leads to life…
I am faithful and true…saith the Lord…there is more for you…but you have not seen what I have already done for you…
Open wide your eyes to Me saith the Lord…draw near…with a conscience sprinkled clean…
I will make of thee…My people…the greatest expression of love…and power in all the world
Come…for thine eyes have grown dim…and your sight is in need…saith the Lord
I have not forsaken thee…it is you…who cannot see…all that I have already done for thee.”