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The Word of the Lord to the Church through
Rev. Janna Hogan 5.29. 2002
“Do not ignore Me…saith the Lord…do not turn a deaf ear to Me…saith the Lord who speaks to His people
Hear what I am saying and give your ears to listen to My Word…for to you…My own… I have given a great anointing…but you have in your youth exercised an unrestrained will …to explode in ways that you yourself chose too
Because of My great love for you and because I have graced you with the anointing of the Holy Spirit…I have sent among you in everyplace…eyes to watch you…ears to hear you…for you have need of accountability
Do not ignore what I have done for you…for the time for childish things to come to an end is here…I will not use you to bring harm…but in truth I will use you to calm the waters
You have rejected Me before…in ignorance…and in knowledge… you have also chosen your own way
I love thee saith the Lord…you are Mine…but I will not permit you to exercise your rights against Mine
Honor those that I have set among you…in your gatherings…in your own homes…to hold your behavior accountable before their eyes…they do not all know what they are doing…but it is I the Lord thy God…who have positioned them there for your own good
Therefore…watch how you care for those whom I have sent…to take care of you…I have in this used the foolish things…to confound the wise
You will not take My power and deny Me…nor what I the Lord thy God have revealed to you is My will
You will walk in My way…to have what I have for you
Come along…do not be found wanting again in this…you…yourself have taken the voice of your own flesh that cried out in pain…when you have put your hand upon what is hot…this you have done also with what I have given to you…
I have sent you warnings of this…the oil is pure…it is also hot…you will not handle it…with your own hands…it is I the Lord thy God…who has anointed thee and called thee…my people… to walk in My anointing…to go about…to do good in the fields that I have given to you
The eyes that watch you…is for you…the ears that hear you…is for you
Do not in your own guilt strike at the innocent…you have a great need for accountability…therefore I have placed precious borders around thee…to save thee…to perfect thee…that I might use thee…as it is My heart to do
Do not ignore Me…saith the Lord…do not study the stars…study Me…and My ways…and know…that I am He that will contain and restrain illegal use of My power
I have set up My own watchmen…to watch…their eyes are seeing you… they are mirrors for your sake…
For their sake…many are unaware of what they are doing…yet they are My servants called and used in ways that are most needed among many in My body
I will not turn you loose…with My power…to yourself…and an undisciplined heart and mind…
I will not permit those who live in the garden…who eat at My table…to use…what is good…for selfish gain
Come…again…you have need of your Fathers discipline let it be that all you need is…My Word to you
Let Me take from thee the blemishes that testify of your carnal nature…and let Me grace to you…the nature of the Lord thy God…exposed through you …my own…saith the Lord.”