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The Word of the Lord to the Church through
Rev. Janna Hogan October 1991
“There is none that escape from My eyes...all things are naked before Me... There is no sound that calls forth with an openness to receive through My Son...that escapes my attention…I am about My charge seeing all things as they are in truth. Never has it been that direction towards Me and My kingdom been taken…that I Myself did not come out to meet those who are on this road.
Tell the people I am the Father who welcomes those who truly come home…
Tell them…I am the Good Samaritan in the midst of the enemy's ambush…
Tell them…though they move from place to place...I am always to be found.
Give them instruction from Me…
Tell them...go outside of their homes into open places...into fields…by the rivers and seas. Go to the forest...and observe what I have orchestrated to minister to them.
Tell them to receive My ministry...in all that I have created for them.
There is life...in the life I have planted in the earth…tell them this life is also spirit usable…and to behold My handiwork is a producer of spirit energy…
Tell them to consume with their eyes and discern the purpose for each.
My people have reduced Me to a patch in the midst of their life's clothing.
The sky...has a voice...so do the clouds...the stars…the sun and the moon. Say to them...the creatures…fish…fowl… and all the beasts... have a voice…
they say daily of themselves...there is a God who has made us.
Say to My people....observe the work of your God and see...listen for the voice of those things I have created… They know Me as Master of all. Observe in them there is no rebellion permitted. A tree is a tree and not grass…neither is the grass able to be a tree...also the grass is green until it dies.
You...I have created for My pleasure… all others are for your pleasure.
You are the tree in the midst of the garden I have created...you are the tree of life where I have planted you.
How is it your leaves are not well…nor is your fruit whole and sweet…
Why have you thrown away the seeds in the good fruit that I have given to increase the number of trees in My forest…
How is it that you see the destruction of the natural…and yet you have not understood that these are but a shadow of the spiritual condition that is now in your generation…
How long will you need to be taught of elementary things…can you not discern the natural signs I have placed for your safe journey…
Your statistics of birth…death…wars…earthquakes…volcanoes… crimes...are glimpses of a greater moving.
All forces natural and spiritual that are conditions which alter your world now are connected. …one is a display or visible communication of the other…have I not already told you of these things…
Nothing is produced in the natural that is separate from the spirit…you must know if it be My spirit or the spirit of Satan at work…
Tell My people...there is more truth to my creation...and the purpose for each that is yet not known…therein lies wisdom...therein lies understanding…
Tell my people...too much time is being spent inside their buildings and homes…
Go outside saith the Lord...that I may speak to you of wondrous things to come…that I may utilize all I have created to aid…encourage…strengthen… heal and expand you...that you may fully be prepared having received from all I have….
Tell them also...this is not to be taken lightly...My call is not light…I completely intend to display the Truth of My works through their obedience to be open to hear and see Me in this way….
This call is not for vacation...it is a call for intense observation in the spirit...through quiet meditation...prayer and an openness to search in the spirit with My Spirit into fields ripe with spirit truth unto harvest for this time and this hour…
I shall show you the kingdom...are you able to see
I shall give you the power...are you able to receive
I shall take you on a journey...are you willing to go
I shall come quickly...are you ready now.”
*Word directly to Rev. Hogan.
* “This is what I have for them through you...they must be given this kind of food. I need to speak to My people...they must come to know Me in communication. The work...in building along side each other must be done as I direct...not as you or they expect. Through your obedience to not interrupt My Spirit...I will do a quick work to set those who will hear free and I will adorn them with great favor for having received My plan and not theirs. Greatly will I manifest favor upon you and all those who stand up for Me in this battle for Truth and My order to be restored to the church. This is My meeting place…My will is to be done here...not sermons nor entertainment...not methods or programs.”
“I am as the wind...yet I am able to anchor your hearts when you come to Me and are open to My direction.
Trust the Lord your God...I will not disappoint your faith...nor will I see the hungry go without food.
You and they have come to know of food from me in processed packaged conditions...all well blended to sound and look like Me, but My beloved, I am not a fulfillment of man's predictions...nor has it been My intention to fill My people's stomachs with chemicals produced to stimulate the flesh to respond. Your generation has fully absorbed the microwave mind and life. this is not of Me.
I am an invitation...
I am fragrance...
I am wine…
Those that respond to My invitation receive the sweetness of My presence...and there We take of the new wine together.
I am not a piece of My people's garment…I am the Robe of My wedding ceremony.
Go to the people with Truth as I have shown you this day…I am with you and many are with Me to see My kingdom come in the earth...go.”