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Tongues of Fire Service” New Years Eve 1989
The Tabernacle Church in Melbourne Florida
“Go ye therefore unto every meeting place and say to My people: I am the Lord God...creator of all things… I am He that is unchanging and I never fail...all things change...yet I remain the steadfast and without variation...
This is a new hour in my church...the persecution and shame that has come to expose has both destruction and then construction forces ...the end of one hour is fought by those who have short and selfish vision and a great fight of man's own ego and selfishness has caused shame…sin and guilt to be the bulldozer of the hour that is now and forever more gone…
Through the rubble and debris…My Spirit moves and grounds are made smooth and fertile...great shifting has taken place in the heavenlies...and from the throne…gifts and annointings have been sent to My church and I have released oil to bring this new and tremendously visible hour in…
Things are different...they're not the way they were before...this is the day that was spoken of by My prophet Haggai...the latter rain shall be greater than the former rain...let no one think he can pour again this new wine into old wine skins...for I have raised up new skins for My new wine...and I have brought you out of yesterday into this new day...
This hour cannot be compared to what I've done in the past...for the time of all things to change is close...I am in this hour by My own hand to build...to change...to create ...to prepare My church to come to Me...I am in resurrection power with special anointing for this time...in vessels of my choosing...for this is mine alone to impart...
As My Spirit moves…I shall raise whom I shall...I shall heal the ugliest of diseases and I shall give new skin to flesh that is old…
All things I have said is so…I shall not and I will not ever change...it is you who turn to the past that fall…for man cannot serve yesterday and today...
Behold…I do a new thing...turn not your head or your eyes will miss what you have longed for...I shall show you who you are created in the image thereof…
I shall…by My Spirit…cause great works to be done by My people...the world will know you are My children...that you are born of Me… and I will show great power through My own that they may know that I am the only true God...and that you are as your heavenly Father…able to do great things...
All that has been done to this day and hour has been to prepare you My church to stand in the presence of My power working in and through you...
By My Spirit some shall move from place to place...between breathe to breathe...from heartbeat to heartbeat...by My Spirit...time will open and stand still and My word will be done without delay...
As the waters rose up to allow My people to cross over to My promise land...so too shall Ii cause time and life to stand still for my people...
I shall come and sit with My servants whom I have called and I will tell them of great things to take to My people and their words will perform My will and nothing shall stand victorious over My Words...in their mouth...
I shall disclose hidden truths about creation and My people will prosper in that truth...I shall give great visions to trained eyes and unlock what has hindered your bodies and you shall know the endurance and stability that is in Me...I have also seeded in you My own children at your new birth...and there shall be nothing that was done by My Son to serve the needs in His generation that you will not be able to do the same and even greater in your generation… for this is My Word to you through My Son and shall not fall...
In the mouth of My people…I have sent My power to control…destroy and create all things as I am willing…
In this hour of My church…they will stand against great obstacles in the natural and in the spirit...and all power will be discharged to accomplish through them...
Things are different there, not as before ...1988 began to birth the hour of my great visitation among and through My people...I am purposed to effect all things according to My Word toward the end that My people will move together in love and unite...or some will fall...and some Ii shall bring home for their own good...for My works will be done in this hour...
I have waited for a generation of My own who would love Me...and serve Me...and open their hearts to know Me...and in them I have sent all they need to grow up to this hour and I shall not allow anything to rob Us of this great day of victory...
Nothing from the past will work to prosper you today...only My Word will stand...only My Word must you take and eat into your hearts...
Cast off your robes of yesterday ...for this is a new day...things are different ..fresh oil and bread is set before my people ...new wine...new ways...new days...new roads ...new ways of transportation on these roads ...
I shall dispatch you by My Spirit...in the spirit...surely your God is with you...surely I have heard your words of love and prayers on behalf of the needs...surely I am come among you...for with love unblemished I love you ...with love unfailing...I love you...surely I am come to deliver you...
Look no more for the way of yesterday...all things will be changed...look for Me…I remain the same...
Seek Me in your gatherings...listen for Me in the voice of My servants...know Me by My Spirit...commune with Me for Ii have given you ears on your hearts and they are able to hear Me...in all you hear... obey...obey...obey...
I am come among My people in what you have cried for unto Me and I shall see whosoever is yielded...to him will I impart My purpose and My power to accomplish a testimony of My presence...
My leaders in this new day will know Me and My people and the world will know them...for they will do the works which was done by My first born Son...and you will all know who is of the fallen one…
For in the workings of My servants...all honor and glory will be given unto Me and you will know them that I sent…for their fruit will be good and whole and they shall serve My people as Jesus...humble of heart…with love and compassion flowing out to all...
The day and hour is come for you to know Me…hear Me…and obey Me and in this you shall have all I have promised...
Trust not what only your eyes see...but your heart questions...trust first your new heart and receive only as He who is in you who discerns what is of Me...
Great shall be the display of My love manifested to you...this is the morning where...shouts of joy will be heard all over the world...
Rejoice…rejoice…rejoice…oh you My children… for your Deliverer comes with no delay...Run to me for this hour I shall embrace you My beloved bride...your eyes shall see what you have heard and you shall love Me beyond your mind...
you shall love Me in your spirit…by My Spirit... and I shall come to take you home”.