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The Word of the Lord to the Church through
Rev. Janna Hogan 5.29. 2002
“Do not ignore Me…saith the Lord…do not turn a deaf ear to Me…saith the Lord who speaks to His people
Hear what I am saying and give your ears to listen to My Word…for to you…My own… I have given a great anointing…but you have in your youth exercised an unrestrained will …to explode in ways that you yourself chose too
Because of My great love for you and because I have graced you with the anointing of the Holy Spirit…I have sent among you in everyplace…eyes to watch you…ears to hear you…for you have need of accountability
Do not ignore what I have done for you…for the time for childish things to come to an end is here…I will not use you to bring harm…but in truth I will use you to calm the waters